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Crooked River Watershed: Conserving Forests for Clean Water + Public Access


Why Act Now?

  1. Protect the drinking water supply for 1 in 6 Mainers
  2. Naturally filter water to keep our rivers, streams, and lakes clean
  3. Provide habitat for wildlife, including vital aquatic and terrestrial organism passageways
  4. Provide trails and open spaces for the public to enjoy
  5. Increase climate resiliency through carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and erosion control
  6. Maintain the quality of life and character of our communities
  7. Support forest product and natural resources jobs

Pathways to Success

  1. We partner with the Sebago Clean Waters collaborative of conservation organizations which includes the regional Portland Water District combining our resources, expertise, and experience to increase the pace of forest conservation in the Sebago Lake watershed.
  2. We work with landowners large and small to create conservation outcomes that meet their needs, and to provide them with essential information.
Habitat for All


Conserved properties to celebrate and enjoy:


Crooked River Headwaters: 12,268 acres, over 50 miles of trails, 4 mountain ponds, dozens of streams with wild brook trout habitat; close to 500 acres of wetlands; 375 acres of Inland Waterfowl & Wading Bird Habitat; opportunities for Wabanaki access to trees, sweetgrass, and other plants for medicinal, craft, and ceremonial uses.
Flint Mountain Wildlands: walk a trail where nature is allowed to flourish with minimal human intervention: MLT’s first “forever wild” preserve, in collaboration with Northeast Wilderness Trust.
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